Douglas and Mary Hallward-Driemeier Fund for the Honor Scholar Program

Students and faculty affiliated with the Honor Scholar Program are eligible to apply for funding.

Online form

Deadlines for AY 2024/2025 are: October 21, 2024, December 2, 2024 and February 17, 2025

The Hallward-Driemeier Fund is a generous gift from 1989 Honor Scholar distinguished alumnus Douglas Hallward-Driemeier and Mary Hallward-Driemeier, and is designed to support "…the Honor Scholar Program with an emphasis on funding student-faculty collaboration and research…and making possible other experiences that cultivate the virtues of intellectual courage and leadership among Honor Scholars." (from gift agreement)

Consistent with the gift agreement, income from the fund will be used to support student and faculty work in ways that include, but are not limited to, purchase of materials or equipment for student-faculty research and scholarly/artistic collaboration (especially for Honor Scholar Senior theses/projects), travel linked to the conduct of student-faculty research and scholarly/artistic collaboration (especially for Honor Scholar Senior theses/projects), support for travel to conventions to present (or perform) material arising from student-faculty research or scholarly/artistic collaboration, etc. (especially for the Honor Scholar Senior theses/projects), and clerical/logistical/administrative support. We note that the term scholarly/artistic is meant to be interpreted broadly, to reflect the breadth of our program, and that it may include activities that might sometimes not be included, such as service or applied projects.

The income from the fund may also be used to support other activities that enhance intellectual courage and leadership in ways consistent with the gift agreement. Such activities might include, but are not limited to funding visiting speakers or presenters for activities consistent with the Honor Scholar Program’s vision, enhancing Honor Scholar class experiences and offerings in ways consistent with the Program’s vision, and other events or activities that enhance or support the Honor Scholar Program’s ability to support student-faculty collaboration or are consistent with the gift agreement.

To receive an award, recipients must agree to provide a brief (1 paragraph) description of what they accomplished based on the award within 12 months.

If you have questions, feel free to contact Rebecca Schindler ( Amy Welch (